Chiaroscuro (kiːɑːrˈə.skʊrˈoʊ, –skjʊrˈoʊ, Italian for light-dark)
Decorating in your home or office can be enhanced when you factor in the contrast of light and dark in your design. An accent color in a room draws your attention. Is it more than just a little color variety? Or does it provide the basis for some extra life in the room?
You may want subtle variation in color to just break up the walls. To help get a feeling of size for example. But, maybe you want to make more of a statement or focus attention on a specific feature
Layered colors as, in Faux finishing, can bring a three dimensional aspect to columns or a fireplace chimney. A dark background with lighter or brighter colors overlaid will bring depth that a single color alone can’t provide.
How about for a background wall for art? Sculptures or paintings. Using color and light to accent your pieces can make the difference between having it just setting out and really displaying it.
Giovanni Baglione. Sacred Love Versus Profane Love.
1602–1603 Oil on canvas. 179 x 118 cm.
Gemäldegalerie, Staatliche Museen, Berlin
For a visual demonstration and tutorial on Chiaroscuro lighting go to E F P Lighting’s Video on YouTube